
Virtual Office Terms
No setup fee.
One month’s refundable deposit is required.
A minimum term of 3 months is required.
The contract can be cancelled anytime with one month's notice.
All services are provided Monday-Friday (08:30-18:00 GMT), excluding UK Bank Holidays.
VAT applies to all prices.
Additional fees may apply, depending on the chosen membership plan.
Membership is restricted to one company only. Additional companies using our services will be charged until removed or compliant.
If you need to cancel a meeting room booking, you must provide 24 hours' notice. Cancellations after this period will be subject to the full fee.
The deposit is only refundable if your account is up to date, we have received one month’s notice and our details have been removed from your website, social media accounts, Google Maps listing, online directories such as 192.com, yell.co.uk and Companies House (registered address).
No unlawful or illegal business may be conducted using this service. This will result in immediate termination of the contract without prior notice. No money or deposit will be refunded.
This address may not be used as a registered address without prior agreement. Extra charges will apply.
This address may not be offered to third parties as a business or registered address.
Mail and parcels must be collected regularly and at least once a month.
Upon termination, the client must IMMEDIATELY cease using the 5 St John's Lane address and any telephone numbers issued on stationery, advertising materials, and registration with third parties. Action will be taken against those found in breach of this requirement, and charges will be levied.​
Under the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations and Section 75 of the London Local Authorities Act 2007, we are required to verify the identity of those we do business with.
To comply with these regulations, we request the following identification documents:
• Proof of identity (typically a passport or driving licence)
• Proof of private residential address (typically a utility bill or bank statement)
Unfortunately, we will be unable to provide services if these requirements are not met.
Request an application form
Please request an Application Form by completing the fields below.